Export Quiz Question Libraries
To export question libraries from courses in Brightspace, do the following:
- From within the course, go to Course Admin > Import/Export/Copy Components.
- Select "Export as Brightspace Package".
- Click "Start".
- Scroll down and select "Question Library".
- If you only want specific items, then select "Select individual items to export", otherwise, leave it on "Export all items".
- Click "Continue".
- Select "Include course files in the export package".
- Click "Export".
- It may take a few minutes to create the course package and the page won't show any progress. Refresh the page and click on the bell icon near the top of the screen. Once it says "Export Finished", click on that.
- Click on the link that says, "Click here to download the export Zip package".
Please note: If you used Respondus Lockdown Browser in your Brightspace course, you will most likely have a folder in your question library in Brightspace called "Respondus Lockdown Browser Storage - DO NOT DELETE". Importing this question into Canvas will throw an error but the rest of your questions should come across fine. Once, they are imported, you can delete that "question" from the Canvas question bank.